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Australian Bicycle Archives


The aim of this project is to collect and bring together the bicycle history and knowledge of the wider community of Australia on one site. Before it's lost forever.


The project will focus on Australian bicycle brands dating pre-1970.


I would love to hear from anyone with an old bicycle, cycling ephemera or some connection to people who were part of the rich cycling tapestry of Australia over the years. Their tales need to be preserved.


If you were part of a family with ties to a specific bicyle brand we'd appreciate any background information and history of the brand so it can be recorded on the site under that brands banner.


I can be contacted at


If you wish to submit a bicycle to the site please read the site guidelines here.





John O'Loughlin of the Geelong West Cycling Club. 

Circa 1914


My ancestor who sparked my interest in vintage bicycles.

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